Green Consumer Day

Green Consumer Day is observed globally on September 28th every year. On this day an awareness is made to encourage purchasing only eco-friendly products which does not pollute the environment.

This highlights the problems of consumerism and its impact on the environment. We should focus primarily on awareness raising and the importance of recycling-reusing and reducing waste material.
The problems of consumerism and its impact on the environment is an area of major concern in today’s world. Awareness building on the importance of recycling-reusing-reducing should be taken up seriously.

A green consumer is someone who is very concerned about the environment and, therefore, only purchases products that are environmentally-friendly or eco-friendly. Products with little or no packaging, products made from natural ingredients and products that are made without causing pollution are all examples of eco-friendly products. The green consumer would be the type to drive a hybrid vehicle, buy products made with hemp or those made from recycled materials.

Green Consumer Day reminds us to:

Buy “green” i.e. products that can be decomposed, reused and are not harmful to the environment, like clothes made from hemp/organic cotton etc. The most important thing is to make a commitment to using less.

Buy products that use minimal packaging. For example, choose products sold in bags rather than plastics. Packaging uses a significant amount of resources and contributes to our growing waste problem. Plastics are known to take between 20 and 1000 years to decompose.

Go shopping with your own bag

Refuse to be given a plastic if you can carry your own products

Reduce, reuse and recycle all waste

  • Reduce. Choose products that minimize waste. Avoid disposable products. Eg. a shaving machine instead of disposable razors.
  • Reuse. Look for items that you can use for tasks other than that for which they were originally intended. E.g. Glass jars can be used to store jam and cereals.
  • Recycle. Most household waste is potentially recyclable. The household contribution to recycling is a critical one involving basic changes in attitudes and habits.

Compost organic wastes. If you have a garden, create and maintain a compost pile to produce organic fertilizer from vegetable and fruit peels, leftovers, egg shells etc, and thus reduce the garbage that is thrown out.

Shop with a conscience Give preference to only those products that are recycled, recyclable, reliable, repairable, refillable and/or reusable. Through our Vocal for Organic Local page you can support earth and us directly by purchasing the products or you can sell your organic product(for your max profit we are not taking any commision) (This platform is free till 22/12/2022).

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