Family Drama Beneath Our Feet: Genetic Tug of War in Soil

In the ever-evolving saga of nature's mysteries, scientists have uncovered a captivating twist in the age-old tale of plants and their soil companions. A recent research by Clark, K. M. et. al., has delved deep into the intricate relationship between these two entities, shining a spotlight on the role of genetic relatedness in shaping their … Continue reading Family Drama Beneath Our Feet: Genetic Tug of War in Soil

Striking a Balance in Human-Wildlife Conflicts of India

Confrontations between humans and wildlife, particularly involving common leopards (Panthera pardus) and Asian elephants (Elephas maximus) in the Himalayan region, pose formidable challenges for both local communities and conservation efforts. A recent study by Datta, P.,, (2024) has contributed to bridge critical gaps in existing research by delving beyond landscape-level predictors. It examined loss patterns resulting from leopard and … Continue reading Striking a Balance in Human-Wildlife Conflicts of India

How much eco-conscious are Delhiites ? Unveiling Delhi’s Urban Green Spaces through Residents’ Eyes”

A recent study conducted in Delhi aimed to explore the perceptions and interactions of residents with the ecosystem services provided by urban green spaces unveils the eco-consciousness of Delhiites.

Environment News India

Bihar plans migratory bird festival to raise awareness about them Bihar is holding a bird festival for the first time as part of its initiative to save migratory birds that arrive in the state in large numbers every year. The three-day festival is being organised in eastern Bihar’s Bhagalpur district and will tentatively start from … Continue reading Environment News India

Environment News India

Prakash Javadeker launches India Climate Change Knowledge Portal Minister of Environment,Forest and Climate Change  Prakash Javadekar today launched the India Climate Change Knowledge Portal. The portal will have all the major steps the Government is taking at both national and international levels to address  the climate change issues. Speaking on the occasion, Mr Javadekar said,it … Continue reading Environment News India