Buy Nothing Day

Buy Nothing Day, day of protest in which participants pledge to buy nothing for 24 hours to raise awareness of the negative environmental, social, and political consequences of overconsumption. The first Buy Nothing Day was organized in Canada in September 1992 "as a day for society to examine the issue of overconsumption." In 1997, it … Continue reading Buy Nothing Day

Happy World Animal Day

Endians Note on World Animal Day Like forests, life consisting of animals, birds, insects, etc. living within the forest may be a national resource, that not solely helps in maintaining the ecological balance however conjointly useful for numerous economic activities that generate revenue from business enterprise. The made flora and fauna conjointly play a significant … Continue reading Happy World Animal Day

Save Nature from Home

प्रकृति को बचाने की शुरुआत हमें अपने घर से ही शुरू करनी होगी जब खेत में पानी गिरता है तो पानी जमीन में रस जाता है, जब छत पर गिरता है तो धारा बनकर आगे निकल जाता है |हमारे दौर में बहुत बड़ा मैदानी हिस्सा सीमेंट की परत से ढक चुका है जिसके कारण पानी … Continue reading Save Nature from Home

Nature love and humanism

मनुष्य की कृतज्ञता और प्रेम ही प्रकृति को बचा सकते हैं जैसा की हम सब जानते है की धरती एक मात्र ऐसा ग्रह है जहां जीवन संभव है और प्रकृति ने हमें जीवन के लिए सभी जरुरी तत्व जैसे हवा पानी मिटटी आदि प्रचुर मात्रा में दिए हैन, पर जैसे जैसे पृथ्वी पर मानव की … Continue reading Nature love and humanism

World Turtle Day

Every year on May 23, World Turtle Day is celebrated to spread awareness among humans to help turtles survive and thrive in their natural habitat. This day aims to raise knowledge about turtles and tortoises. This special day was founded in the year 1990 by the American Tortoise Rescue to help people celebrate and protect … Continue reading World Turtle Day

Endangered Species Day

Every year on the third Friday in May, thousands of people around the world participate in Endangered Species Day by celebrating, learning about, and taking action to protect threatened and endangered species. Wildlife refuges, zoos, aquariums, gardens, schools, libraries, museums, community groups, non-profits, and individuals hold special programs or events for people of all ages. Due … Continue reading Endangered Species Day