Family Drama Beneath Our Feet: Genetic Tug of War in Soil

In the ever-evolving saga of nature's mysteries, scientists have uncovered a captivating twist in the age-old tale of plants and their soil companions. A recent research by Clark, K. M. et. al., has delved deep into the intricate relationship between these two entities, shining a spotlight on the role of genetic relatedness in shaping their … Continue reading Family Drama Beneath Our Feet: Genetic Tug of War in Soil

Starting New year with New Project

Happy Amla Ekadashi

Amalaki Ekadashi One of the significant days of the Hindu calendar, Amalaki Ekadashi is observed with great reverence by devotees of Lord Vishnu and Goddess Lakshmi. People who observe Amalaki Ekadashi worship the Amla tree(Phyllanthus emblica) on this day. It is believed that Lord Vishnu and Goddess Lakshmi reside in the Amla tree. Amla or … Continue reading Happy Amla Ekadashi