Snow Leopard

A snow leopard is walking down snow lined streets. In these empty streets, she walks alone, a vision to be seen. With building buildings on either aspect. All the cars area unit silent. The residences solely have a number of lights on. As she walks outside within the night-time.With each stride the big cat creeps … Continue reading Snow Leopard

Happy World Animal Day

Endians Note on World Animal Day Like forests, life consisting of animals, birds, insects, etc. living within the forest may be a national resource, that not solely helps in maintaining the ecological balance however conjointly useful for numerous economic activities that generate revenue from business enterprise. The made flora and fauna conjointly play a significant … Continue reading Happy World Animal Day


हरेला उत्तराखंड का लोक पर्व जो कि प्रकृति को समर्पित है। हरेला कर्क संक्रांति यानी सूर्य के कर्क राशि मे प्रवेश के दिन आता है, जो कि जुलाई महीने के 15, 16 या 17 तारीख को मनाया जाता है।उत्तराखंड में यह प्रायः सावन के आगमन यानी हरियाली के आगमन का प्रतीक है । इसका नाम … Continue reading हरेला

Nature’s 9 day festive Harela

सबसे लंबा चलने वाला प्रकृति का त्यौहार है हरेला पर्यावरण पूजा सनातन संस्कृति का एक अभिन्न अंग है । कई पर्व त्यौहार एवँ परंपराएं भारतीय संस्कृति में ऐसी भी हैं जिनका सम्बंध समाज और धर्म के इतर वैज्ञानिक विश्लेषण से भी है। इन्हीं कुछ त्यौहारों में से एक त्यौहार हरेला है। हरेला उत्तराखण्ड के कुमाऊँ … Continue reading Nature’s 9 day festive Harela

Environment News India

Tiger Vs Cement : 4-member panel to study wildlife clearance to Reliance Cement in Yavatmal The greenfield cement project of Birla Corporation Limited’s wholly owned subsidiary Reliance Cement Company Private Limited (RCCPL) in Mukutban area of Yavatmal district, Maharashtra will have to wait for now as a four-member committee has been appointed to study the … Continue reading Environment News India

Environment News India

Veteran Endian Sundarlal Bahuguna dies of COVID Veteran environmentalist and architect of the Chipko Movement Sundarlal Bahuguna died May 21, 2021, at the age of 94, Press Trust of India reported. He had been admitted to the All India Institute of Medical Sciences in Rishikesh, Uttarakhand after having contracted the novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19). Bahuguna was one of the leaders … Continue reading Environment News India