Environment News India

Ram Pyari Mandakini river is in Danger in the country of Rambhakts, from U.P. to M.P. no one to save: Chitrakoot

Encroachment, concretisation, sewage dumping and pollution are killing the Mandakini, a tributary of the Yamuna that flows near Chitrakoot town in Uttar Pradesh. The political leadership in both Madhya Pradesh and Uttar Pradesh are abetting the death of the river rather than prevent it by building hotels and lodges on its banks.

The Mandakini starts in Madhya Pradesh’s Satna district, some 24 kilometres from Chitrakoot, associated with the story of Lord Ram. Many hotels and temples have been built near the river’s catchment, which is obstructing its recharge.

Nityanand Mishra, a lawyer and environmental activist, had petitioned the National Green Tribunal (NGT) in 2014 to stop the illegal encroachment. The NGT had banned all kinds of construction within 100 metres of the river after this. However, many hotels were then built near Bharat Ghat, which is near the spot where a host of underground springs recharge the river. Some of these structures are only 30 metres from the river’s bank.

Ram Vishnu Das, the founder of the Kamadgiri Temple Trust, said the concretisation of the river’s embankment in Uttar Pradesh had obstructed its natural recharge points. In August this year, the NGT ordered the Satna administration to demarcate the area between the Mandakini and Paisuni rivers where hotels were being constructed illegally. However, no action has been taken so far.
A sewage treatment plant has been built near Bharat Ghat, but it is not yet functional.All the polluted household water is dumped in the Mandakini. The river is becoming more and more polluted every day.


Tea plantations support biodiversity when managed agroecologically: Study

Ancient and traditional tea agrosystems harbour unique, native and diverse biodiversity, according to a new study. Tea-agroecosystems can support biodiversity conservation outside protected areas.

The Darjeeling tea-forest – a multifunctional landscape

New research reveals tea plantations can support biodiversity from native plants, wildlife and microorganisms when managed in an agro-ecological setting with sustainable, good practices.
Third-party certifications that vouch for sustainable agroecology practices in tea gardens, such as incorporating organic farming, native shade trees, and maintaining habitat diversity, can promote biodiversity management in these spaces.

There is evidence from Japan’s traditional tea-grassland integrated system supporting over 300 species of grass – showing how biodiverse tea production landscapes can potentially be.

👉Mongabay India

Toxic waste dumped on farmland, no one to clear: Ahmedabad

Since July 19, bureaucratic red tape is allowing tonnes of highly toxic acidic waste, allegedly dumped by factories of industrial clusters around Ahmedabad to lie strewn over large parts of a farm in Rasam village in Bavla taluka, a few kilometres from Ahmedabad city.

Scientific officer of Gujarat Pollution Control Board (GPCB) Dr Pradip Dave, in his statement to the Bavla police has said, “The waste is harmful to the environment and may endanger human life.” A visit to this farm will reveal existence of a well-organized racket.
For many months, channels were dug and pumps installed to empty untreated toxic industrial effluents from tanker-trucks into various pools secured by mud embankments. GPCB officials claim that the toxic waste was being processed to be used as fuel for industrial boilers. Fluid from the toxic pools now trickle into nesting sites of migratory birds posing a grave danger for wildlife.

On July 19 Ramanji Thakor, a truck driver, and his two cleaners — Muman Sulia and Manuji Thakor, all from Patan, had dumped hazardous waste near a brick klin in Rasam village. Cops immediately informed GPCB, which sent a team to the spot, took samples and found that 70 drums of 200 litres each, and 15 sacks of around 1 tonne of toxic waste had been dumped at the spot.


Radio-Collared Tiger ‘Heera’ Found Electrocuted, Deskinned in MP’s Satna District

An adult tiger monitored through a satellite radio-collar was found electrocuted and de-skinned in Satna district of Madhya Pradesh on Monday. Some suspects have been rounded up and a few claws of the tiger have been found, according to sources.

The big cat was part of the Heera-Panna duo, who used to live in Akola buffer range of Panna Tiger Reserve (PTR). Originally, a triplet, the pair had lost their sister to a road mishap last year in Akola range. The second tiger – Panna — is safe and inside the PTR, said the reserve management.
The carcass, which had decomposed and was de-skinned supposedly by those who killed the big feline, was found dumped in a farm in Singhpur forest range in Satna district on Monday.

The villagers had spotted the carcass and informed the forest officials. Locals said the tiger died after being trapped in a live electric wire. Top officers, who were on the spot, did not divulge much details.
The NTCS figure show 32 tigers died this year with forest officers confiscating tiger organs in two other cases.


Delhi air to be ‘poor’ on Dipawali, worsen afterwards: Experts

The air quality in Delhi and the National Capital Region will be ‘poor’ in the run-up to Diwali and will start to deteriorate significantly November 5 and 6, 2021, reaching the upper end of the ‘very poor’ category, according to the latest forecast by the Union Ministry of Earth Sciences.

The wind direction as well as the bursting of crackers during Diwali will also worsen air quality, according to experts. The Delhi Pollution Control Committee has banned the sale and use of firecrackers in the national capital till January 1, 2022.
The burning of crop stubble had increased significantly in Punjab (2,895 points), Haryana (353) and UP (170) October 31, the forecast said. 

If drastic steps were not taken, Delhi might be witness worse air on Diwali day than it did in 2018 when the PM2.5 concentration went beyond 600 microgram per cubic metre.


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